Apply to Teach in New York City Public Schools

Alternative Routes to Certification

Career changers and recent college graduates can earn certification while completing a master’s degree through an alternative teacher preparation program—including the NYC Public Schools programs linked below—which support the schools and subjects that need great teachers most. Individuals interested in one of these pathways should apply directly through the program, and not through the main teacher application on this site.

New York City Teaching Fellows

One of the country’s largest and most recognized urban alternative certification programs, NYC Teaching Fellows prepares career-changers and recent college graduates to teach subjects in high demand. Through intensive classroom practice and expert coaching, Fellows focus on the key skills, knowledge, and mindsets that excellent teachers possess. Teaching Fellows cohorts begin training in the summer each year. Visit the NYC Teaching Fellows website to learn more and create an account for program updates. 

New York City Teaching Collaborative

The New York City Teaching Collaborative prepares talented, committed individuals from diverse backgrounds to teach in high-need schools. Partner Teachers begin residency style training in January, working alongside experienced mentor teachers and receiving intensive coaching for over four months before teaching in the fall. Visit the NYC Teaching Collaborative website to learn more and create an account for program updates. 

Other Alternative Teacher Preparation Programs

Outside of NYC Public Schools, there are a variety of non-profit educational organizations and institutions that offer alternative pathways to teacher certification. Programs such as Teach For America, Teaching Residents at Teachers College (TR@TC2), Peace Corps Fellows Program, and the American Museum of Natural History: Master of Arts in Teaching Urban Residency Program offer additional opportunities to begin your teaching career in New York City.

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