Learn More About Becoming a CTE Teacher
Our Career and Technical Educators bring multiple years of professional experience to the classroom. All CTE industry areas have varying required years of work experience based on the pathway candidates choose to meet the New York State Education Department’s (NYSED) requirements for Trans-A certification.
Popular CTE Industries
- Architecture & Construction
- Business
- Healthcare
- Information Technology
CTE Teacher Spotlight
CTE health science teachers use work-based learning activities, patient care concepts, anatomy and physiology, medical terminology, and other real-world skills to prepare students for job certifications while in high school.
Brenda Freso
CTE industry area: Medical Assisting & EMT
Current position/school: Teacher/Urban Assembly School of
Collaborative Health
# of years teaching CTE: 12
My advice is to be prepared each day for a new experience. As the educator who is bringing content and
career knowledge to the classroom, be open to building relationships, and learning new ways of applying content information along with work-related experience in the classroom versus working in an industry-related setting. It all comes together and can be rewarding!
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RegisterCareer and Technical Education Fields
Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources
Architecture & Construction
Arts, A/V Technology & Communications
Business Management & Administration
Education & Training
Health Science
Hospitality & Tourism\
Information Technology
Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security
Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics
Transportation, Distribution & Logistics