Apply to Teach in New York City Public Schools

Career Advancement Opportunities

At NYC Public Schools, teachers unlock a world of possibilities, from advanced certifications to teacher leadership pathways. We're dedicated to helping educators thrive and advance in their careers. 

Extended Certification Opportunities 

NYC Extended Certification Programs enable qualified, current NYC Public Schools teachers to pursue additional certifications and/or extensions through the completion of tuition-free graduate-level coursework. For the 2024-2025 school year, we offered a Students with Disabilities certification or a Bilingual Extension.  

The application for the 2024-2025 school year is currently closed. Sign up here to express interest in future opportunities and be notified when the application for the 2025-2026 school year will launch! 

Model Teachers 

  • As a Model Teacher, your classroom becomes a laboratory and resource to support colleagues’ professional growth by modeling successful teaching methodologies.  
  • Timing: Work an additional two hours monthly and two days in the summer 
  • Salary: $7,500 on top of teacher’s salary 

Peer Collaborative Teachers 

  • Peer Collaborative Teachers, also known as “PCTs,” support their colleagues through focused coaching and intervisitations, designing meaningful opportunities for growth.  
  • Timing: Work an additional five hours monthly and five days in the summer 
  • Salary: $12,500 on top of teacher’s salary 

Master Teachers 

  • Master Teachers work closely with their school and/or district leadership to promote highly skilled teaching through purposeful sharing of effective practices, peer coaching, and the creation of a collaborative learning culture.  
  • Timing: Work an additional eight hours monthly and eight days in the summer  
  • Salary: $20,000 on top of teacher’s salary 

For up-to-date teacher leadership opportunities, visit the NYCPS website. 

The NYC Teacher Application for certified teachers is now open!

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3 out of 4 graduates would recommend an extended certification program to a peer, and said the program helped improve their teaching practice to support secondary students with disabilities or multilingual learners.



"This program is well designed and really engages teachers to think and plan for a culturally responsive classroom. I learned more in this program than from my Masters in Education and feel more prepared to give individualized attention to my students." - 2019-20 SY teacher participant

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